Monday, March 22, 2010

Hi Jenn
I hope you stay with WW! It was so frustrating for me on how slow I was losing. It took me three years and a doctors note to reach goal. We are in the same boat with the money thing. This blog is great and all the web sights too.
I saw Ruth at church yesterday and told her about your blog and she wants me to send it to her. It would be great to have her be a part of our group. When I post I don't get any options where to post, so I hope I am doing it right.

Hang in there!


  1. Thanks for the words of support Kim. Always appreciated! That would be FANTASTIC if Ruth wanted to contribute. Get her email so I can add her as contributor if you can. The more recipes, points of view, ideas people share, the more help, support and encouragement others can get from this blog.

  2. I would love to hear from Ruth, too......Hi Ruth,This is Donna Pidgeon,aka Gammy,hope all is well
