Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Cake!

I guess that's an appropriate name for this recipe. It made me happy just thinking about eating it! :D It called for a 9 x 13 pan but I like layer cakes if I'm going to make a cake. There was PLENTY of topping for filling and top too. I thought it was good but would have been even better with a few berries, maybe topped with strawberries and a sprig of mint. Darn, and Marie brought some today.
Also, There is a VERY similar recipe on the side of the pudding box. Slight variations, using angel food cake instead but I want to try that too!!

This is 1/16 of the cake so 4 pts worth. Pretty generous serving size I think!?


  1. Very beautiful, everything you did! I just don't trust myself to have the whole cake still around.......too enticing!

  2. Yes, a good bake and take dessert for sure!
