Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make living healthy a positive experience

Click HERE for the full article from Sparkpeople's own "Spark Guy" Here are a few excerpts.
For many of us, getting healthy means giving up all the foods we like to eat and starving ourselves for long stretches throughout the day.

Getting healthy...has to do with much more than eating right – it’s about simple things that you will enjoy.

Sure, you may have to watch out for some foods in your diet, but it’s more important to simply incorporate healthy foods – fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates – into what you eat. At the same time, exercise does not have to be a rigorous, three-hour workout. The key is finding exercise you enjoy, such as playing racquetball, riding a bike or throwing a football.

And that’s just the point – getting healthy is something to enjoy, not to detest. Getting healthy is not something you should look at as a chore; it’s something that can be a fun and great experience. It can a positive experience that will not be a short-lived fad, but a new way of life for you.


  1. I am starting to see the fruits of my labor. I use my treadmill as my choice of exercise, and am feeling very good....even my scale went down a bit.Next, I need to drink more water...I just don't think of it....and that's a 56 thing........donna

  2. I am so happy to hear that Donna. It really does take patience. Urgh! I know what you mean about the water too. I have the best of intentions and forget a lot too. I want to get in the habit of drinking before and during my meals and but am usually done eating by the time I remember.
